An unsung BFA hero

June 9, 2017
In the topsy-turvy era of technology, it was only natural for BFA to seek out a person to take up the role as Technology Integration Facilitator. That person was Stephen Davis…
Facilitating the integration of Canvas, PLP’s, SBAC, IEP, 504, AU support and IT support -all programs that the BFA community relies heavily- seems to come natural to Davis. Not to mention, Davis -according to his job description- must have exemplary language skills, mathematical skills, reasoning ability and certification.
Another tool in the bag for the Bennington College and School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts graduate is his uncanny ability to successfully work with teachers and students in the usage of all aspects of the technological world.
To show how the humble Davis has made such a monumental impact on BFA, the Mercury attended a April 12th BFA Department Chair meeting to have faculty members express their gratitude toward Davis, and as you can see, the comments are astounding.
“I want to thank Mr. Davis for supporting NWTC. He has a very large role in supporting BFA with Canvas and other IT needs and he makes every effort to include NWTC so that we are just as successful. He always has a pleasant and helpful attitude and what could sound like ‘jargon’ to many, he finds a a way to communicate technology in a way that is understandable.”
-Leeann Wright, Director of Northwest Technical Center
“The thing I find most impressive about Mr. Davis is his calm, positive demeanor in any situation. He also has a great ability to explain technical terms in a way that all can understand. We all certainly appreciate his expertise and support.”
–Lisa Durocher, Assistant Director of Northwest Technical Center
“As the Tech Integrationist for BFA, Mr. Davis was given the monumental task of training the entire faculty on how to use Canvas, a brand new Learning Management System. He had to figure out the system, make himself available to every department at BFA, and he then spent hundreds of hours helping people not just learn the new system, but also continuing to support them in their learning the system. I do not know how he did this job purely given the magnanimity of it. How many other people would have accepted such a task and the burden of this responsibility? I believe that the faculty and Administration owes a great debt to Steven.”
–Justin Bedell, Social Studies Teacher
“We are successful at BFA because of people like Mr. Davis. [he] is always willing to be there for others and can always be trusted. Whenever I have a professional problem with technology, Mr. Davis’ response is not only timely but very friendly. I am always comfortable asking him for help and our shared conversations allow me to have greater confidence in the 21st Century digital world. Furthermore, Mr. Davis’ ability to provide guidance and experience for my U.S. History students has been most appreciated as they continue to work on designing their Family History multifaceted products. Mr. Davis’ commitment to excellence is something our family at BFA tremendously respects, needs, and aspires to as we continue to prepare our students for success.”
–Jeff Moulton, Social Studies Teacher
“Mr. Davis is an amazing person! He is so knowledgeable about technology but explains so well that even “technophobes” like myself feel reassured. He always makes time for questions I have and goes above and beyond to help me find solutions to technology questions. He never loses his patience and helps me learn by modeling how to use the technology and then watches as I implement the technology. He is so adept at finding technology that suits the needs of my job. We are so fortunate to have him as a resource.”
–Barbara Tenney, English Teacher
“A couple of years ago I had a student who needed to use speech to text technology. Specifically, Mr. Davis helped me purchase a program called Dragon Speak for my computer. I didn’t know how to install it on the computer or even how to use it with the student but Mr. Davis did! He was a great instructor and support for me and the student. He was very patient and has such a calming way about him. I will never forget that a few months later he checked in to see how we were doing and to make sure we didn’t have any questions. He is a true gem and we are so lucky to have him as our personal resource…”
– Lynn Bouchard, Teacher/Academic Support Center
“One way Mr. Davis has gone above and beyond is to have persisted in the face of the many challenges around Canvas we have experienced as a school. It has been his job to first work out the steps to using Canvas, arrange support for the whole staff, deal with the many complaints about how it works and then to work out the unforeseen problems as they have arisen. He has assisted me on multiple occasions. Through it all he has maintained his poise and professionalism.”
–Jeff Rouleau, Science Teacher
“The thing I find most impressive about Mr. Davis is how he can maintain his kind and gentle manner while dealing with a frustrated and anxious teacher or student who is facing some form of failure with technology. I am often that teacher, by the way, and Mr. Davis always helps me solve the problem while never making me feel incompetent, even when I am incompetent. He is a natural teacher.”
– Donald Tinney, English Teacher
As you can see, Stephen Davis is truly one of the “unsung heroes” at BFA, who quietly and diligently works behind the scenes to ensure that every student and staff member at BFA have the best experience possible…
On behalf of the entire BFA community, the Mercury would like to say thank you to Mr. Davis for all he has done.