Operation Happiness

Brianna Pelkey, Writer

Operation Happiness takes place every year around the holidays to help families in Northwestern Vermont who need some help. The effort started in 1990. 

On Saturday December 14, 2019 in the BFA Cafeteria from 8 a.m. to noon, Operation Happiness will be collecting clothes, food and any other donations. This is an effort where the community takes action to help others in need, knowing the holidays are around the corner. 

We envision a future where all children, youth and young adults achieve their potential, all people are financially stable and all people have optimal health and well-being,” the United Way website said. 

The BFA effort is just one of the Operation Happiness efforts around our area. 

Donna Corrigan, a BFA graduate from the class of 1980, and a St. Albans resident, volunteers in the Operation Happiness effort.  

“I am in charge of the Clothing Giveaway.  I work with a group of people who collect new and used clothing, coats, scarves, mittens, boots and all for giveaway in conjunction with the toy and food giveaway,” Corrigan said. 

The volunteer work takes place over months, and there are many steps.

My group puts messages out in newspapers, on Facebook and the Front Porch Forum asking for donations of new and used clothing. coats and home goods.  Then we collect them, sort them, wash and repair them, if needed, get them to the giveaway location, set up the area, be present and helpful during the giveaway, pack up the leftovers and help deliver them to places that will accept them,” Corrigan said. 

Her work involves coordinating the work of others, and there are lots of other people involved. 

“I hope to have about 10 people help load up the box truck with the donations on Thursday evening, about 25 people to help unload the box truck and set up in the BFA cafeteria on Friday evening, about 10-15 people to be there for the giveaway on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. – noon and then about 20 people to pack away and reload the box truck with the leftovers on Saturday after noon,” Corrigan said. 

If you would like to help in this, be in the BFA Cafeteria or visit other Operation Happiness destinations. 

The St. Albans Operation Happiness office is at 11 Church Street in St. Albans.