COVID coverage – BFA comments

Mercury ​ writer Helen Simmons decided to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite all of the many reasons not to, like how hard it is to interview people, etc.
Her driving question: ​What do you miss the most about your pre-pandemic life?

The amount of change the world has had to undergo within the past few months is unprecedented. COVID-19 has impacted every one of us, the entire country social distancing and quarantining. Three months later, June, and BFA is entirely online, and we all are antsy to get our lives back to normal.

But what are we in quarantine for?

Many of us took those moments of normalcy for granted; Homecoming games, prom, pep rallies, concerts, parties, and even school. Being able to visit your grandmother in New York, or going shopping in Montreal. Sharing laughs in class, and waving to each other in the hallways.

We’re in quarantine so we can get those moments back safely.

But most importantly, we’re staying home for the 100,000+ people who have lost their lives in America. We’re social distancing for the 1.76 million who are sick, and showing the 379,000 recovered victims respect by following guidelines.

That’s what we are in quarantine for.

A few individuals across a broad spectrum of the BFA community were asked to reflect on their lives before the pandemic changed the world, and some talk about their experiences away from school, “at home.”

Senior class president Alex Haag (‘20):

“I would say that my favorite BFA memory is the moment that our 4×400 meter relay boys team won the state meet. The whole team was out on the track, watching in disbelief as our guys pushed themselves to the limit and outpaced everyone there. We cheered until our voices were hoarse, and once the event was over, we rushed into the field and everyone was high fiving, hugging, and it was just a magical moment,” Haag said.

Reilly Babinski (‘23):

“My favorite memory from this school year has to be my dance season. The bus rides and competitions were amazing experiences I’ll never forget,” Babinski said.

Emma Archambault (‘23):

“I mostly miss going to school. I know that sounds cliche but I really do. I’m definitely an extrovert so I need to be able to interact with more people than just my family each day. My favorite memory from school this year was when I would be walking through the halls and all of the teachers would be standing at their doors and it was all such a happy environment for me. On most days when I would be at my locker, Mr. Bedell would stand at his door and ask me about my day. We would have conversations about anything, but it was always fun and exciting to see how he would greet me the next time,” Archambault said.

Nellie Dawson, Math teacher:

“My favorite memories from this year are my first BFA pep rally, the Veteran’s Day parade, Fall Musical, and Holiday Concert. The Alpine Ski Team going to States and other great ski team memories and successes. ​And seeing my students work together to solve a difficult task or problem,” Dawson said.

Ashley Seymour (‘22):

“My favorite memory from this school year would probably be Homecoming. I had so much fun not only at the pep rally with all my friends but also at the football game later on that night,” Seymour said.

Colby Dukas (‘20):

“One of my favorite memories from this school year would have to be when the seniors won the spirit award. I have no favorite memories from quarantine. Maybe just relaxing and hanging with the fam. I can’t wait to see friends, for sure. Just get out of the house and do things with friends,” Dukas said.

Kayleigh Sweeney (‘20):

“I miss going to school and seeing all of my teachers and friends. But mostly, AP Bio conversations. We used to regularly talk about the strangest things during “bagel Friday” and it was so much fun. Plus, I had lots of classes with my best friends this year and they make anything fun,” Sweeney said.

Joey Nachaczewski (‘22):

“I miss hanging out with my friends and being able to go places. I also miss baseball season. I like being able to stay home and do what I want, but I’m looking forward to hanging out with all my friends again and playing sports for summer,” Nachaczewski said.

Richard Berthiaume, veteran math teacher, softball and volleyball coach:

“My favorite memory of quarantine life is the many hikes that my wife and I have taken since we left school. There hve been only 3 days since we left that I have not gone on a hike. We have found trails that we never knew existed that are beautiful. The connection with nature and the quality time with my wife has been a highlight. My son and his wife are both still working and we have shared with the in-laws the watching of our two grandchildren. These grandchildren bring a smile to my face every time they appear at my door!” Berthiaume said.

Taylor Reyome (‘23):

“Watching movies with my family! That’s the best part. We like the Marvel movies and we’ve been watching throwback shows too like Drake and Josh. Being able to be with my family 24/7 is fun because they’re hilarious and believe it or not I haven’t gotten super annoyed with them!” Reyome said.

Zoey Bunbury (21):

“My favorite memory was probably Homecoming. My class was so into it, along with spirit week. I loved watching everyone fool around doing all of the challenges. At the same time, I’ve had fun staying up really late with my friends on FaceTime, so I got closer with some of my friends which is awesome. And I’ve gotten to know myself better and have been cooking a lot,” Bunbury said.

Amanda Powers (‘21):

“One of my favorite quarantine memories would have to be going 4 wheeling with my siblings and having dinner with my nana and pa for my cousin’s birthday. The best part is that I have gotten closer to my siblings and I’ve been spending more time with them. When I’m at school I’m usually really stressed and don’t do much when I’m at home, but now since I’m at home all the time I can hang out more with my family and play more,” Powers said.


Our restrictions on “regular life” in Vermont are slowly beginning to lift. We hope that these little vignettes will serve as something of a record of what BFA people were thinking and doing in this never-before-seen time of induced isolation.

We urge you to make sure to follow the guidelines of Governor Scott, and don’t forget why they’re there.

Some day, perhaps, we’ll have those ordinary moments of normalcy back.