Are Adults Hurting Children by Pushing Them to Achieve?
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April 13, 2021
Do your parents push you hard to get good grades? Parents try their hardest to push their children to do their best to get good grades, but sometimes it’s too much.
Parents want their children to excel in life. They push their children to get good grades and be one of the best people they can be. Parents want to see their children go onto college and be successful.
According to Newsela, “Last year, a popular and talented student at Los Altos High School collapsed after walking out of English class. She suffered a disabling emotional breakdown after she read her parent’s text message asking her to come home and talk about her grades. The girl, a star athlete and generally a straight-A student, had received a D.” Parents are putting so much pressure on their children to get good grades. When a student gets a text or a call saying, “ We need to talk about grades,” they panic. I have received that text before and automatically started to panic and get light-headed. As children, we are trying to do the best we can, but the pressure is just too much.
According to Very Well Family, “Parental pressure to excel can increase kids’ risk of stress, as well as have a negative impact on their well-being.” Children want to make their parents proud. My parents are constantly checking grades and checking missing work to make sure everything is perfect. Knowing my parents are constantly checking adds even more stress to make sure everything is perfect and done on time.
Some may argue that parental pressure is essential to children’s academic performance, and children try harder in school to make their parents pleased. However, according to Adelphi, “When they get a high grade on a test, they will worry about the next one or that someone has gotten an even higher grade. If the grade isn’t the top one, kids will be left with the feeling that they’re just not good enough.” Children should not have to be constantly worried about tests, grades and work.
According to Kiplinger, “The youngest child got a D on an interim report card, and that message got across a lot more clearly when she had no access to television, phone or the Internet for one week.”
Children may not understand a concept and need to get extra help. In my chemistry class, you can take a test the first time and if you get a grade you’re not happy with, you can try again. This gives students opportunities to get help to enhance their understanding and to be able to try again. If parents are punishing their children for getting bad grades, it will put even more stress on the student. High school is already stressful, having to meet new people, different teachers and deal with hard classes. Students need to stop being punished for their bad grades.
Parents are pushing their children too hard to achieve good grades, and it’s putting too much pressure and stress on students. Students need to talk to their parents and explain how they feel or it will never change.
Lendi • Jan 27, 2024 at 11:22 pm
do you have 2 times?
Je'Nirra E • Feb 28, 2023 at 9:41 pm
I am writing to respond to “Are Adults Hurting Children by Pushing Them to Achieve?” by Mariah Draper, published by the paper on April 13th, 2021. By reading this article I completely agree with what you have said in this paper. It’s so much that a child can take. Criticism, constant nagging about grades, and just feeling the pressure amongst yourself. I myself go through this a lot. Specifically, from my mother and my grandparents. Education success is very praised upon within my family, especially in my culture. Without good grades, you’re nothing. What parents want to see is the success they never gotten go into their children. For example, my grandma. She believes that a doctor is the best job you can get in the world. She believes that they make the most money, they’re the smartest people, and they’re the most successful. Because she has this idea trapped inside her brain, she always pressured my mom into becoming a doctor. My mom very much didn’t become a doctor, she did what made her happy. Although my mom is a little bit more understanding about my career choice, she’s always gave me that overwhelming feeling when it comes to school. Education success can also be a root to mental health. The constant thought of trying to please your parents just crushes your whole well-being. Now, I place myself at a high pedestal as well. I can be hard on myself too. I am not excusing bad grades, I believe if you are honestly trying your best, that’s all that should matter. I get there are days where you aren’t feeling yourself at school or you just honestly need a break, but you at least need to try with you education. I do understand that people don’t think like how I do. So, if they feel the need to have a week mental break from school, that’s on them. We also have the students who whine about their grades when they don’t turn absolutely nothing in or just don’t bother to do the work. Those types of people make it hard for the kids that are suffering to get token seriously. It just harms the image for those who actually get scared of that “ When you get home we need to talk about your grades” text in the middle of class. It gets me riled up sometimes. I can’t focus. My mom checking my grades constantly for missing work just knocks me off my game. Mental health might not even be the problem. Some students just have a hard time asking for help. It’s not just easy to “ask for help”. Some students just may be independent, embarrassed, or just simply don’t get the whole lesson. I been in all 3 predicaments before. That’s why I am so thankful for retakes on assignments or even better, TESTS. It makes me understand the material all the way through and be able to have a second chance. The concept of punishing kids for simply needing a extra push in academics, never made sense to me. How about we help instead of belittling these children. Nagging gets nothing done. Helping does.
carter • Jan 24, 2023 at 9:47 pm
my mom is forcing me to do advanced classes for high school even tho i’m not ready i can’t do this anymore
india • Sep 1, 2021 at 3:06 am
this is not right
Jay • Jan 13, 2022 at 10:24 am
Princess • Mar 8, 2022 at 10:23 am
If you are doing this for a project or this is what’s happening to you i think you would understand