Learning with Leclerc

September 15, 2021
With 11 years of teaching experience under her belt, students at Bellows Free Academy will now have the opportunity to learn something about Katie Leclerc’s teaching style. Starting this year, Katie Leclerc will be acting as one of BFA’s newest special educators.
Prior to teaching, Leclerc had worked at BFA as a student teacher with Jamie Bristol. She attributes her lack of nervousness on the first day at BFA to this, as well as her prior teaching experience.
After her student teaching experience at BFA, Leclerc spent a lot of time working in Vermont’s schools. “I worked my first job at the Lamoille Union High School and was there for six years as a special educator, and then I went to Georgia Middle School and was there for the last five years as the seven and eight special educator,” Leclerc said.
Leclerc is married with two young children. On top of that, Leclerc made a point to mention her love of photography, and notes that sometimes her profession and her passion will overlap.
“I do a lot of [family photography], and I’ve actually done some [of] BFA grads, so senior sessions are some of my favorites. I love having those two worlds collide and being able to help students with photography stuff or take pictures for someone here, it’s the best,” Leclerc said.
This love for student connection is also Leclerc’s favorite part of working at BFA. “I love being able to support [students] and having a bond,” Leclerc said
Leclerc also mentioned how happy she is with the past connections she’s made with students -to the point where they still talk to each other often- and that she’s hopeful she can develop relationships like those with students here.
“I’m so excited to be here,” Leclerc said.