Bobwhite Football’s Hot Return

The Bobwhite football team. Photo credit: Dino Patsouris

Brayden Baker, Writer

The Bellows Free Academy St. Albans Bobwhites returned to normal football under the lights for the first time in nearly two years. Because of Covid-19, previously the Bobwhites were forced to play a different style of football to meet Covid guidelines. These Covid guidelines also only allowed a certain number of fans to attend the games.

With the full return of fans, BFA varsity football coach Geoff Murray said, “Seeing the enjoyment of the fans brings back the sense of BFA pride in the community.” 

The return of a full audience to the football games allows for the football players to have a home-field advantage due to that energy deriving from the student section.  

“They can feel the boost from the crowd,” Murray added. 

The energy from the crowd drives them to success, since the Bobwhites are off to a great start over halfway through the season. Currently, the Bobwhites have a 3-2 record and show no sign of stopping.

“I think the team is doing well,” football manager Colin Hodet (‘22) said. “The team is well-rounded, hardworking and will do anything to win.” 

For the rest of the season, Hodet (‘22) believes that the team has what it takes to be successful.

“My outlook going forward is to continue the hard work and the drive the team has to be successful going into playoffs,” Hodet (‘22) said. 

Murray’s outlook for the rest of this year’s football season is a little more refined, saying his goal is “To get better every day.”