Is it Harder Being a Girl?

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Katelynn Wilson, Contributor

Is it harder being a girl?

There has always been some kind of argument on whether men or women have it worse. This argument has been going on with everyone’s different opinions, but there really hasn’t been a conclusion that everyone could agree upon. 

Personally, I believe that it is harder being a girl rather than being a guy. Even though both genders have their struggles, it is harder being a girl. I am not saying it is harder to be a girl because I am personally a girl but because there are more struggles that come with being a girl rather than a guy such as the menstrual cycle, childbearing/pregnancy and the sexualization toward women.

All girls and women have to transition into becoming a woman. Through this, girls will have their period every month for about 35-40 years of their life. That’s a long time! Then, after having their period for that long period of time, they have to go through menopause. With periods, girls experience many different symptoms such as irregular periods, heavy periods, painful periods, and acne. Although, there might be some argument about acne being something that girls struggle with as guys get acne too. But when it comes to girls getting acne when on their period, it isn’t exactly as controllable as other types of acne are such as the type of acne that men get. When guys get acne, it is often caused by sweat, stress or poor hygiene. However, when girls get acne as their menstrual cycle is happening, it is not controllable and can not be prevented. 

Not only do women have to have their period for 35-40 years of their life, on top of that they also have to go through childbearing and pregnancy if they choose to have children. Through childbearing, many things can happen to a woman. With carrying a child for 9 months, it takes many different tolls on a woman’s body and mind. During childbirth, many women get torn and ripped apart whether it’s through vaginal birth or c-section. Along with being torn or ripped apart, women can develop body dysphoria or postpartum depression after giving birth to their child. Along with childbearing, women can have complications throughout their pregnancies such as Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), Mental Health Conditions (such as depression), Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Diabetes, Obesity, Infections, and Hyperemesis Gravidarumexternal (morning sickness).

On top of this, women never get a break from sexualization from men and all the people around them. Sexualization happens within many different spaces and all over the world, whether it’s through social media, in magazines, or out in the real world. Wherever you go or whatever social media post or magazine you are reading, there is always some sort of sexualization towards women within it. Many female teens experience sexualization and body standards on a daily basis. Girls and women are always pressured into the idea that you have to be skinny and pretty to get a man’s attention, but when that is the deal, it isn’t always good attention that women get. Many women just get catcalled on the streets when they are minding their own business. Personally, I know people that have been catcalled when they were minding their own business trying to avoid getting a man’s attention. The sexualization towards many women and young girls can lead to mental health issues too.  The moral of the story is that sexualization is everywhere and women put up with it every day. Although some people may argue that sexualization also happens to men, it’s not nearly as often as it is when it is happening towards women

Overall women have it harder than men. Women go through many different changes with their bodies that impact them on a daily basis. Although there may be arguments that men have it hard, women definitely have it harder.