BFA’s Arts Night

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November 30, 2021
On Dec. 9 Bellows Free Academy will be hosting an Arts Night where students will showcase their creativity and talents. Students participating in band, chorus, chamber singers, the “Into The Woods” musical and the art club will be presenting their performances and exhibitions from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, who will be able to watch student performances and observe different works of art.
According to BFA’s drama teacher Susan Palmer, an improvisation workshop will be hosted in a fun and accepting environment, which will involve games and encourage creativity. Also, a workshop on learning how to carve stamps for upcoming holiday cards will be conducted. This experience will focus on pre-drawing a design and bringing it to life on paper. A dance workshop and a choral workshop will be held as well.
Here is the schedule as provided by BFA’s Fine Arts Department:
The schedule for the entire event is as follows: 4:00-5:00 Workshops: BFA/Various Locations: Enter through the BFA Connector/Main Entrance
5:00-6:00 Gallery Exhibit, Strings and Chamber Singers Concert, light refreshments in the BFA Connector
6:00-6:15 Musical Performance: Opening of Into the Woods, from the fall Musical in the Performing Arts Center
(The Following Events occur simulateously. You may move from venue to venue to attend various events. Please do not leave mid performance. A detailed schedule will be provided at the event and will be available via the BFA website. Student ambassadors will be present to support guests on site.)
6:15-8:00 Dance performances, Improv Team and more in the Performing Arts Center
6:15-8:00 Jazz Band, Chorus, Featured Solists and more in the BFA Gym
6:15-8:00 There will be open studios, Community Mural Banner and Make and Take options in the Art Rooms at BFA
All Events FREE!