Outright Vermont’s Social Involvement Opportunities for Vermont Students

Photo credit: Removing Cops from Schools
March 24, 2022
Over the years, Outright Vermont has been a source of resources and opportunities for Bellows Free Academy students. From their annual GSA Conference to the gender-affirming resources they provide, Outright serves as a source of materials, as well as opportunities for BFA students to better their lives and the lives of others.
As a member of Outright Vermont, currently the organization is providing a way for students to be more involved in their communities and schools through campaign work.
Outright’s Youth Leadership Council, a group of student activists spread across the state, has recently been working to open the door for Vermont youth to be more involved in activist work. Since the beginning of January, teams of these organizers have been hosting general interest meetings surrounding five sets of campaigns relating to youth well-being and school culture.
These campaigns, which cover topics like Removing Cops from Schools, Youth Power in Education and Inclusive Sexual Education, provide opportunities for students to learn more about activism and how to make a difference in their communities. Students are given resources and information that they can then use to make a difference in their schools if they so choose.
Some campaigns, like the Removing Cops from Schools group, have also been collaborating with other organizations. This group is currently working alongside the Vermont Student Anti-Racist Network (VSARN) to give students the opportunity to testify in front of Vermont legislators about their feelings on cops in schools.
These campaigns are also a way to connect students across Vermont high schools and middle schools.
“These campaigns are a great way of seeing the situations and opinions of students across Vermont,” Zach Henningsen, one of Outright’s youth organizers, said. He added, “It’s a great way to get involved with no huge commitment.”
Currently, each of these campaigns is in the beginning stages, with most campaigns in the process of planning their third meeting.
Please feel free to email the addresses below if you are interested in joining and/or learning more about any of these campaigns.
Cop Removal Campaign: [email protected]
Youth Mental Health Campaign: [email protected]
Youth Power In Education Campaign: [email protected]
Inclusive Sexual Education Campaign: [email protected]
Gender-Affirming Resources Campaign: [email protected]