BFA’s Newest Guidance Counselor: Stella Leach

Stella Leach
September 6, 2022
While students hurry to adjust their schedules and get settled into the new school year, some may have noticed a new face in the guidance department. Stella Leach, one of Bellows Free Academy’s new guidance counselors, has already hit the ground running with her work.
“I’ve helped a lot of students schedule changes [to their schedules] these first couple of weeks, and there are a lot of new students at BFA this year, so I’m helping a ton of students with new enrollments,” Leach said.
For seven years, Leach taught French classes in New Jersey and Maine. After that, the past two have been spent getting her Master’s Degree in Counseling from the University of Vermont. She also has a Bachelor’s Degree in French from St. Lawrence University. This will be Leach’s first year as a school counselor.
According to Leach, she’s new to St. Albans but not Vermont. Leach grew up in Central Vermont and now lives in Burlington with her husband, Martin.
“It’s always a little nerve-wracking to start at a new job or a new community,” Leach said. “But I’m really looking forward to getting to know everyone.”
Stella also noted that she had fun welcoming new students because there’s a sense of companionship with her, seeing as they are both new.
“I think it’s maybe comforting for students to know that we’re kind of figuring it out together,” Leach said.
When asked how she sees her job responsibilities developing throughout the year, Leach said that she sees it expanding into more social-emotional work.
“We connect students with teachers. We help students make sure they’re in the best state classes, develop strategies if things aren’t going as we hoped and we help students a lot with planning,” Leach said. “We’re here to support students inside and outside of school.”
According to Leach, that’s one of the most important things for students to know about her and the rest of the guidance department.
“I hope students will know that, as counselors, our doors are always open,” Leach said. “Please don’t hesitate to use us for more than just schedule fixes.”