The BFA Locker Showdown: Where’s the Best Spot?

Photo credit: Hippopx
October 28, 2022
In a school as big as Bellows Free Academy, there are plenty of lockers that students can stop at to store and retrieve their items during the school day. But where’s the spot, the cream of the crop, the absolute primo area to have a locker? The Mercury asked BFA students via a survey to share their opinions.
Survey respondents had nine locker locations to choose from when picking their favorite; In the basement, the two options were the main first-floor hallway and the old nurse’s office hallway. On the second floor, the options were the language hallway, the guidance hallway and the tech center. For the third floor, the chorus/band hallway, the gym hallway, the main math hallway and the tech center were options.
Out of the 40 responses to The Mercury’s survey, 40% of the respondents (16 students) chose the guidance hallway as the best locker location at BFA, crowning it the winner of the survey. One of the primary praises students gave the guidance hallway was its size.
“It’s a big hallway, I’m almost never in anyone’s way,” Taylor Olds (‘24) said.
The guidance hall’s central location won its votes as well; an anonymous sophomore student said that they have to pass by their locker “every day” to get to their next class.
“It’s basically a community locker for myself and all my friends,” Genevieve LaClair (‘23) said.
The language hallway came in second with 27.5% of the votes (11 students).
The Mercury was also curious about which locker location was deemed the worst by students.
Out of 40 responses, the top floor of the tech center was deemed as the worst location, winning 27.5% of the votes (11 students).
“Unless you have a tech center class you barely go there, and the lockers are VERY small,” Patricia Noza (‘26) said.
The language hall, yet again, came in a close second, winning 25% of the votes (10 students).
“This is where my locker is located now and there are way too many people,” Amiya Sharp (‘23) said. She added,“There is not enough room to open your locker without hitting someone walking by.”