To All Moms…Thank you!

From left: Leah Branon (´20), mother Candi Branon, Hannah Branon (´23) and Andrew (Drew) Branon (7)
May 10, 2023
“[Motherly] instincts are to care for the old, the sick and those in need. Our mothers, sisters and daughters share a core value of caring for others,” PeaceWoman wrote.
Mother’s Day is celebrated in over 40 countries typically during the months of March, April and May. For some, Mother’s Day signifies the mark of spring.
Mother’s Day in the United States of America is celebrated every year on the second weekend of May. Some celebrate with brunch, inaugural lawn work and even gifting flowers. No matter how you celebrate, mothers and mother figures deserve to be celebrated.
To all of the mothers and mother figures in our lives, you are thanked.
The Mercury sent out a survey to Bellows Free Academy students to gauge the impact of mothers in students’ lives. Student responses varied but captured the lasting impact and love they have felt from their mothers or mothers figures.
One of the questions asked to students was if they could thank their mother figures for one thing… what would it be?
Below are a few responses of what students shared.
Dear Moms,
Thank you for…
“Giving me a roof over my head,” Isaac Chaloux (‘23).
“Help[ing] me through every struggle I’ve ever had,” Veyda Kenyon (‘23).
“For setting the best example by being the type of person I want to be,” Sarah McConnell (‘24).
“Always cheering me on through each aspect of my life,” Adi Hughes (‘24).
“Making sure that I have everything I need,” Jacoby Soter (‘27).
“Giving me advice for anything that I might need advice on,” Erikka Wright (‘27).
All of these comments of thanks and gratitude help illustrate the love we share for mothers and mother figures in our lives.
To all the moms, you’re “Phenomenal,” Soter noted.
Adjectives of love
Some mothers are there from the start, and others may come to light in our lives later on. Either way, a mother’s lasting impact and love can be felt throughout all stages of life.
In my life, my mother has been there for each step. Throughout small or large achievements in everyday life, her love and presence have helped me grow into the person I am today.
In the survey, students expressed just how “amazing” their mothers or mother figures are by describing their mothers or mother figures as…
“Loving,” Ethan Barbieri (‘27).
“Intelligent,” Kenyon.
“Nurturing,” was used by McConnell to describe her “best friend,” which she shared was her mother.
“Awesome,” Nathan Gonzales (‘27).
“Selfless” was how Rachel Ledoux (‘24) described her mother.
These words are just snippets into how our student body feels about their mothers/mother figures.
Some students, such as Rylee LaCross (‘24), shared, “I have two [moms].” LaCross described her moms as “loving and strong.¨
Heartfelt Gratitude
Students who participated in the survey even shared a message to their mothers or mother figures. Each message specific to the student captured tidbits of the love between motherly bonds.
Chaloux closed by saying, “Thanks for not giving up.”
Other students commended their mothers or mother figures for their efforts and dedication to their families.
Thank you for “mak[ing] sure my sister and I are happy and comfortable. [Despite not] always getting along, I owe her a ton,” Ledoux shared in a message of gratitude.
McConnell added, “[that] making sacrifices for her family and friends,” was an admirable quality of her mother.
To all the mothers, mother figures, those struggling with motherhood, those mourning a loss, those struggling with relationships with their mother(s) or mothers struggling with relationships with their children- you are celebrated.
May this season of growth, beauty and rejuvenation bring you the light that you put into our world.
Thank you for your kind heart and commitment to our success. One day of celebration cannot capture our appreciation for you.