Nick drake was a Folk artist from Britain who’s career was cut short because of a sudden suicide in 1974. Nick Drake was 26 when he died, and only 5 years into his musical career.
Nick was born into rich parents and attended private school. He received good grades and stood out from the other kids as a leader and model student. Despite all of this, Nick was very quiet and reserved. Many fellow students spoke after his death, stating that they felt as if they never knew Nick Drake despite speaking often. Later in Nick’s life, he got involved with drugs and became less and less of what his parents expected of him. During his school years at around age 16, he began playing the guitar.
His love for music followed into his adult years, as he became a very skilled acoustic guitarist. He began playing in bars, stadiums, and at people’s houses. During one of his shows, a man by the name of Ashley Hutchings was in the audience and was blown away by his playing. He was the one who later introduced Nick to Joe Boyd, a producer for Witchseason. When asked if he would want to make an album, Nick Drake simply said: “sure”.
His first album, Five Leaves Left , was an amazing album that showed Nick Drake’s amazing songwriting, guitar playing, and unique voice. Everybody in production, especially Boyd, thought the album was gonna be a smash hit. However, it wasn’t and the album only sold less than 15,000 copies its first year.