Debbie Begnoche sits on the island in her kitchen, baked goods placed on the counter top. She talks about her feelings about volunteering while country music is played throughout her house.
When asked about why she works without pay, she responded by saying, “I feel that I want to give back to the community, because they were there for my family”.
While working many jobs within the church and senior center, she delivers sermons, helps with the church’s Turkey Takeout Run, and the rummage sale. In addition, she helps the elderly at the senior center by cooking for them once a month, setting up serving, cleaning up on Wednesdays, organizing entertainment and special events, and is the administrator for their Facebook page. She also talks about helping with Toys For Tots by donating new and unused toys to less fortunate children every Christmas.
Debbie’s acts of kindness are not just recent; She volunteered for the church after work before retiring, as well as made meals for Spectrum Youth & Family Services St. Albans once a week. After volunteering for about 15 years, she believes she got her values from experience and her roots, stating: “When I was a child, I saw my mother caring for our neighbor who had next to nothing. She bought them all Christmas gifts next year, as well as bringing them supplies when she could,”. Debbie comes from a family who despite having economical challenges worked to help others.
“Good endorphins, a feeling of gratitude that I was able to help” Debbie said with a smile. The yellow light from the small chandelier over the dining table mixing with the light from the kitchen brightens the room. Whenever she can help the community, she takes gratitude as payment instead of money.
I asked about any ways to get involved, and she responded by saying, “Attend organizations of choice, and events and charities. Research who runs the events and who to contact,”. She also said that most places post requests for volunteers on their websites.