On Tuesday, February 11, 2025, students and staff were interviewed about senior parking.
There has been a rising number of underclassmen taking advantage of BFA’s security teams busy schedule, which prevents them from being able to routinely ticket. This problem is enraging seniors because they earned the privilege to have a parking spot close to school that are not being blocked. Trying to find a parking spot is one more stressor that seniors are being forced to endure on a daily basis.
Each month seniors are awarded with senior parking spots through a lottery system. There are 18 spots available. There are 44 seniors that apply. So you have a 40% chance of getting a spot.
Oliver Horton, a senior at BFA who has a senior parking spot states, “The parking is getting out of hand and that the hall monitors need to start cracking down.”
“If they’re going to make us enter a lottery to win senior parking, then they should make sure we actually get our spots.”
Mike Mazzaferro, a school safety officer at BFA, was asked why tickets are no longer routinely handed out. He responded by stating that the security staff has a very busy schedule, which makes finding time for ticketing difficult.
“We usually don’t ticket unless we get a complaint.” Due to the securities busy schedule, it is not a top priority compared to the rest of their duties. Mike also added that they don’t like to ticket kids if they don’t have to.
Karson Cook, a senior at BFA who has a parking spot, was interviewed about the growing issue. “Juniors park in my spot and it infuriates me.”
The security team is starting a new chapter. As of February 18th 2025 they have found a way to clear their schedule to make time to enforce school rules and start handing out tickets to the underclassmen.
The feeling around ticketing has changed in the last week. Security will now be handing out tickets to anyone that doesn’t have a parking pass.
Oliver Horton later stated “Ticketing is only solving the short term problem. If they wanted to solve the issue at the root, then they would start towing.”
It is very unlikely that the school will start towing kids because of the amount of problems that would cause kids.
Although towing illegally parked vehicles would solve the problem quickly, it is not the most likely answer.