Economics could be a class that helps improve the future of our economy. Inflation has been crazy during the last couple of years, and many people seem to misunderstand how inflation occurs. The economy is how our money works and is important to understand. Two people were asked about what they think of having an economics class in high school.
Dawn Boyle is an insurance agent. She said, “If you are not in the business world, then it may not be a class that you need. But if you are in the business world, I believe it should be a mandatory class”. The business world has a lot to do with economics because businesses produce products that they exchange for money. When you ask most people about how our government system is run, most people will automatically know that the U.S. is a democracy. When asked about what kind of economic system the United States uses, most people will ponder on the thought.
Jonas Wagner, who is currently enrolled in an economics class, said: “It is pretty hard to understand and could be difficult for people who struggle in school”. That is a downside to economics and why it might not be the class for you. Economics is a very tricky subject and there are a lot of parts to it.
It is a fairly new class and lots of people didn’t have the option for economics in high school. Dawn said, “I did not take an economics class in high school”. She got a job in business and has done very well in the world of insurance. The choice to take the class is really up to you. It all depends on what one would want their future to look like, and how educated about the economy one wants to be.