Architectural CAD is a class that is held at BFA in Saint Albans, Vermont taught by Kevin Murakami. The class is beneficial to those who are interested in learning more about architecture, or having an occupation involving it. The class is available to take in the fall next semester.
Before discussing more about the class, it’s beneficial to learn about the teacher and what he’s like. Kevin Murakami is a design tech teacher at BFA. He is liked by many students, and they enjoy having him as a teacher. Kevin is respectful, kind, and is a great teacher who enjoys watching his students progress and succeed. Kevin said, “I strive to build relationships with students. I am approachable, and I enjoy watching students explore their creativity”.
Kevin teaches classes such as Intro to CAD, Wood Design and Fabrication, Advanced Woods, and Architectural CAD. Architecture class is a combination of learning software and architecture design. Architecture refers to buildings and structures such as homes.
CAD is an acronym which stands for “computer-aided design”. It also may be referred to as computer-aided drawing or drafting. In Architectural CAD, there are two main programs that are used. The programs are Sketch-up, which is used for the first part of the semester, and Chief Architect, which is used in the later half of the semester.
The main thing that is taught in Architectural CAD is the design process. This includes making a design and improving it step-by-step to achieve a final product. The class is useful for students because it can be beneficial for many different occupations, and encourages further outside-the-box thinking. Kevin said, “It can be a launching point for a lot of different jobs associated with architecture, but also exposes students to thinking in 3 dimensions”.
The class does not require students to do homework. Sometimes presentations are done to show the class how to use the program.
All About Architectural CAD
March 7, 2025
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