Homework is excessive and unnecessary for learning. Students spend about 7 hours in school Monday through Friday so why add homework. On average students stay up till midnight or later just to complete their work for the next day. According to BetterSleep.org 34% of teens spend 20 or more hours on homework per week. When asked the leading cause of stress in their lives 75% of students say grades and test scores are the cause of their stress.
According to the American Psychological Association’s stress in America, a survey during the school year said teenagers show higher stress levels than reported by adults. Could this be because of the drastic difference between a work schedule and a high school schedule? The average high school schedule does not even resemble a college schedule so why the extra stress of our high school students? The average high school student gets 7 or less hours of sleep a night. According to UCLA Health students should be getting eight to ten hours of sleep. The CDC, KidsHealth.org, BetterHeath.gov and John Hopkins Medicine all confirm that students should be getting 9 to 10 hours of sleep.
The average student here at BFA arrives around 8 for school this means they are waking up between 6 or 7, depending on how far away they live and do not get out of school till 2:50 at which point they are attending practice or work. These times vary but on average, we will say students are out of practice by 6pm and work by 9pm. This barely leaves time for family, dinner,showering etc let alone homework. If a student is going to get the proper amount of sleep they should be in bed by approximately 9pm.
Homework is adding on to an already stressful time in children’s lives. According to the National Education Association, 1 in 5 adolescents report symptoms of anxiety or depression. Some may say that homework enhances instruction and keeps students engaged, or that it helps to fill the gaps in students’ learning. Some people will also say that homework assignments are to prepare students for college and/or the work world. While I do believe that high school has a lot of improvement to do when it comes to preparing students for the next steps after high school, homework is not the answer, nor is it the answer to get students engaged and filling gaps in learning.
The only way to fill gaps in learning and engaging students is by giving them content in a way they enjoy. Giving them packets and IXL to complete at midnight is not engaging or filling any learning gaps. As far as preparing students for the next step in college, you will only have class 2 or 3 times a week and you will be provided with a syllabus so you know exactly when assignments, tests and reading is done at the beginning of the semester. College also provides office hours, study groups, tutors etc to provide help when out of class. In college you can choose the time of your class so you can better design your classes to your sleep schedule. As far as work is concerned, you would hopefully be in a job that you enjoy and/or are good at meaning that the work would come easier to you and you will be able to pick a job that works for you.
So why are we telling students that they need to be in school 7 hours a day, be involved in their community, and also do homework? Students have a lot going on and I don’t think students should be focused on deciding between spending time with family or their math grade, or to pick between something they love and homework. There are ways to help students and also provide a well rounded education that prepares them for the future, but homework is not the answer.