Hunter Harris is part of the class of 2020, hailing from Fairfield, VT. He enjoys going to the local football games, while hanging out with his friends on the weekends.
Hunter can be seen as an athletic kid, loving all sorts of sports, but he is currently a part of the U.S.A. National Junior Olympics. The Junior Olympics is an organization dedicated to offering many youths the opportunity of participating in several sporting events. The ages to participate range from six to 22 years old.
“They had an event in Burlington called ‘The Slider Search.’ It’s run by the U.S.A. Luge Team, and they take kids down the street on wheel sleds, and I just tried it out one weekend and they invited me back to the real ice and I just took off from there,” Harris said.
Since joining, Hunter now races in North American cups as well as European cups.
As high school is coming to a close, Hunter is focusing his life on becoming an Olympian. He has already taken the next steps to do so,
“I’m looking at getting residency at the Olympic Training center next year,” Harris said.
For many seniors, most of the required classes that are needed to graduate are already acquired, leaving many spots open for electives. When it came time to fill that open spot, it was guidance counselor that recommend this class for him, and the rest is history.
Family is very important in life, it’s needed almost as much as the oxygen in the air or the blood in our veins. When people think of family, they think of the people of blood relations, but a lot of times that isn’t always the case, at least not entirely. Hunter considers not only his parents to be family, but also his team.
“Yeah, I’m an only child. So I don’t have any siblings. My parents have been a big help, and they’re very supporting. The people on the team are like family, I spend a lot of the year with them, live with them,” Harris said.
Hunter Harris is definitely the kind of person you want to keep your eye on, especially moving forwards into the future.