A new “hair”-a: the newest cosmetology addition to NWTC

October 3, 2017
Through the resignation of one cosmetology teacher, the Northwest Technical Center (NWTC) has gained another one. Ashley Duncan is the new cosmetology teacher in the NWTC. Duncan has a lot of experience with BFA and the Tech Center, due to going to the school and being a part of the cosmetology class.
“I took this program [NWTC cosmetology] when I was in high school, and I always thought that would maybe be where I came back to [teaching cosmetology]. And the position became available much sooner than I thought it would,” Duncan said.
Along with her experience with cosmetology at BFA, Duncan also went to Vermont College of Cosmetology where she graduated in 2005 after graduating from BFA in 2004.
When asked about who inspires her most, she says: “Probably my biggest inspiration in this industry was my previous teacher, Mary Habecker.”
Duncan lives with her husband and their three dogs, and they inspire her every day.
“They drive me crazy, no. They are the reason I get up and go to work every day,” Duncan said, when asked how her family impacts her life. Duncan’s family is also the reason why she chose to live in Vermont; she didn’t want to be too far from them.
Her hobbies include: boating, vacationing, gardening, and spending time with family. Her favorite genre of music is country, although she does not have a favorite song.
Although cosmetology and spending time with family are two of Duncan’s favorite activities, she also loves to travel. She spoke of how she enjoyed going to the Dominican Republic, and if she could learn one language, it would be Spanish.
“I would love to be able to speak to them more fluently,” Duncan said, branching on why she would choose Spanish as her second language.
She officially began her cosmetology journey in high school, however Duncan has always had a passion for hair styling. She notices now that her cosmetology skills come from her actions as a child.
“I always was the one braiding my family’s hair and putting the hair wraps in and styling during summertime at the pool with all my cousins. That’s kind of when I realized that I had a passion for it, and this program made me realize that it was really what I wanted to do,” said Duncan.