Palmer’s Godspell

Palmer's Godspell

Alek Wolf, Asst. Editor

At BFA, everybody has  a way of acting, whether it be in dance, band and sports. But what about Drama?

Well, duh!

“We are all are actors just by being human beings, we all are having to figure out how to communicate and understand each other,” Susan Palmer, BFA Drama Director, said.

Palmer is the new Drama Club Director at BFA.

Susan Palmer was born in Burlington, VT. She attended school in Colchester.

Later, she got her Undergraduate Degree in acting at the University of Southern Maine. After getting her degree in acting, she lived in England at Middlesex University for 4 years to get her Masters Degree in Theater Direction. Since then she has taught theater for 18 years.

Palmer is a certified K-12 Theater Arts Teacher. She has done integrated arts residencies at area elementary, middle and high schools with the intention of integrating core curriculum objectives with theatre objectives.

Some examples of partnerships have included working with science, fine arts, language arts and humanities teachers. She has also worked with The Flynn Centers signature Words Come Alive Arts Integration Program and The Community Engagement Lab on several partnerships.

“It’s not something you do alone, we’re studying and exploring what it is to be human. The skills you need to be an actor are skills that you need to have for life,” Palmer said.

Before coming to BFA, Palmer taught at Essex High School. She was the head of the after school program and directed musicals, full length plays, one act plays and original works.

Just recently, Palmer was asked to direct the Drama Club in their latest installment, Godspell.

It is a play that tells many parables from the Bible in a fresh and inventive way. This play is a remake from the original version which first came out in the 1970s.

“It was kind of revolutionary to try to be acting out parts of the Bible in this silly fantastical way,” Palmer said.

The shows will take place on Nov. 16th, 17th, and 18th. Starting at 7-00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. Tickets went on sale, and will continue to be up for sale until the day of the play. The price is $6 for students and $8 for adults. It will feature the entire cast and is full of fun and inventive humor.

“She is very intelligent and she knows a lot about acting. She’s a very talented actor and she does teach very well with the things she knows,” Gabi Brassard (21) said.

Brassard’s role in the play is a featured dancer. She has a few lines and also sings in the play.

“We come up with our own roles in the play if you are in the tribe. My role is where I’m very confused about who God is and I don’t know if I should trust him,” Brassard said.

Ever since she was little, Brassard has always loved watching movies.

“I enjoyed seeing all of the different parts that people played. It was so fascinating to me,” Brassard said.

She currently attends all three of Palmer’s acting classes and the play, Godspell.

For incoming actors, Brassard and Palmer know that to act is to not be afraid of trying new things.

“Don’t pay attention to what other people may think of you. You do it for you. It may seem easy but it’s really not that that easy. You just have to believe in yourself,” Brassard said.