Album Review: Kid Cudi’s “Man on The Moon”

Photo credit:

Ralf Lotys

Photo credit:

Colin Brace, Contributor

The album, “Man On The Moon,” by Kid Cudi, is a mixture of rap and hip hop. I guarantee happiness when you listen to this album.

The album starts off with “In My Dreams,” which describes how he feels happy, and that he can do anything in his dreams and be safe.

The next song, “Soundtrack 2 My Life,” talks about his life, and he made this song to show everyone that they don’t really know what is happening in his life and to show the world how he really feels. 

“Simple as…,” the next song, is about how simple it is to be simple, but who wants to be simple? Not him, and he is trying to inspire people to be different.

In “Solo Dolo,” he explains that whenever he tries to do something right, it feels wrong and that he feels that he is an outcast. 

“The Heart Of A Lion” is the story of how people were trying to stop him, but he remembers his mom saying what they say doesn’t matter, and he knows in his heart that he is doing what he loves. 

“My World” explains how successful he will be and that he believes in himself enough to say that this world will be his world. “Day ‘N’ Nite” is him talking about himself in the third person. He talks about how he frees his mind at night when he is all alone and says he feels that he is alone every day and night.

“Sky Might Fall” has a slow tempo starting, but builds into the chorus, which says the name title. Kid Cudi says even if the sky falls, he has no worries. The song shows that he doesn’t worry about what happens because he controls his life. 

“Enter Galactic” is about a love connection with someone he holds very close to his heart. This song is a great reminder to show love and be with the ones you love. 

“Alive,” featuring Ratatat, is one of my favorite songs in the album because of the beat. I also love the story within the song, which is him saying that he is changing and wishes he wouldn’t change. He says that he feels that he is “killing his prey” meaning letting women go instead of being with them and loving them and wishing he would stop. 

“Cudi Zone” is a song regarding himself in his own zone, zone meaning life, which is in his control. He also tells people to make sure they control their own life and just live the way they want to.

“Make Her Say” features Kanye West, and Kid Cudi talks about a girl that makes him feel like she is the one and hopes she is the one for him. 

“Pursuit of Happiness” is my favorite song in the album because Kid Cudi is singing about how he doesn’t care what people think or want him to do; he is going to do whatever he wants because at the end of the day the only person that can control you and what you do is you. 

“Hyyerr” is about peace and Kid Cudi wishing people would just get along and work on themselves. “Up Up & Away” is about how people will judge no matter what you do, so all he does is ignore them and work on himself. He says he doesn’t care if people hate on him, he is going to keep working on his success and not worry about what the haters have to say to him or about him.