BFA’s Student Council Makes a Difference

From left: Stefanie Comstock Spectrum Youth Drop-In Program Manager and Lindsay Bernard (’22). Photo credit: Asher Ballantine

Rachel Ledoux, Writer

Bellows Free Academy extracurriculars have a history of supporting community causes. From Interact coat drives to the Powderpuff football game, a lot of money and products have been donated to organizations and people through our school.  One of the most recent examples of this was an $800 Student Council donation to the Spectrum Youth Center in St. Albans.

On Oct. 27, the BFA Student Council hosted a Halloween movie night showing of “Coraline” at the Collins Perley Complex, complete with refreshments. Dozens of students and families attended the event, and the Council was able to raise $800 towards a cause of their choice. 

The cause they chose was the Spectrum Youth Center.

The St. Albans Spectrum Youth Center is one of multiple Spectrum locations and can be found on Lake Street. The Center provides a variety of services for youth, including but not limited to: free food, showers/bathrooms, internet access, games and activities and a safe space to hang out. 

The space is already a common hangout spot for BFA students, particularly those in the GSA and Social Justice Club, as the groups took a joint trip there earlier this year. 

This past Monday, Lindsay Bernard (‘22) and Asher Ballantine (’23), The Mercury videographer, along with a few assistants, were able to get a tour of the center on their way to deliver this check. 

According to Bernard, the center is, “a nice place for [youth] to drop in and kind of hang out if they don’t have anywhere to go.”

Bernard noted that she isn’t sure what the center will end up using the check for, but that she is sure it will be going to a good cause no matter what.