Homecoming Parade 2022


The senior class float. Photo credit: Maryellen Tourville

Patricia Noza, Writer

According to Bellows Free Academy English teacher Nathan Archambault, an adviser for the student council, on Sept. 30, before the homecoming game, students of each grade participated in a parade float contest. The contest is where each grade decorates a hay wagon with a theme the grade decided on together. It is run by the student council, but everyone was welcome to make posters and help decorate their grade’s float. 

Archambault said that the grades started decorating after Friday’s pep rally.  After students finished decorating, five teacher-volunteers went around to each float and judged them based on their creativity, school spirit, student participation, design and overall effect. The five judges were Susan Palmer, Emily Schwartz,  Martina Newell,  Julie Shaffner and Heather Dunigan. 

After, the students got to ride it around Taylor Park and to Collins Perley Sports and Fitness Center to watch the game, where the winner was announced during halftime.

When asked about his opinions about the floats, Archambault said, “I love it. Each year it’s been getting better and better and better. I remember participating when I was still a student here. It’s now my 9th year helping out with them.”

According to Archamabult, here were the themes this year:

Seniors (‘23): Mario Kart

Juniors (‘24): Movie Stars

Sophomores (‘25): Underwater

Freshmen (‘26): Medieval times

Again, anyone is welcome to help decorate in the upcoming contests.  “There are more people involved than ever,” Archambault said.

So, teachers, keep a lookout for Archambault’s email next year if you want to judge the floats. And for students, get ready to participate.