An Elegant and Special Prom: BFA’s Upcoming Prom Promises Students a Memorable Night Under the Stars

May 8, 2023
While Covid-19 changed how past BFA proms have looked, this year’s prom promises to be just as elegant and memorable as last year’s.
This year, Bellows Free Academy will be hosting its prom at the DoubleTree Hilton in the Emerald Ballroom on May 13, 2023, from 7 to 10 p.m.
“‘The theme for prom this year is ´A Night Under the Stars,’” Taylor Olds (´24), the class of 2024’s Student Council President, said. “We wanted the theme to be something relatively basic and something that didn’t require people to get on theme outfits to coordinate with. We felt that, within our abilities, we were the most able to create an elegant and special prom with this theme.”
She explained that prom involves “many different moving parts and it takes a lot of teamwork, organization and communication” to plan it.
According to Alissa Aylward, the class of 2024’s Student Council Advisor, the Council decided on After Hours VT as the DJ and Dino Patsouris as the candid photographer.
There will also be a spot to take pictures, fruit and veggie trays and an assortment of desserts.
For juniors and seniors interested in attending, tickets can be bought for $35 each in the principal’s office before school and during lunch until noon on Friday, May 12. Students interested in bringing a guest must return a guest form, which can be found in the Main Office, by noon on Friday, May 12.
Aylward also encourages students who cannot afford tickets to contact their guidance counselor or herself to discuss options regarding its pricing.
When students were asked in a survey put out by The Mercury about their feelings toward the upcoming prom, there were a variety of responses.
Gabe Laughlin (´23) said that he was “excited for busting down on my sick moves.”
Rachel Ledoux (‘24) said, “I hope the music is decent, and that everyone has a good time!”
Others are not as excited.
“Prom is a waste of money, as the ticket prices are high, so [is] everything else at the event. I strongly feel it is over-hyped by a long shot” Weston Latimer (‘24) said.
A student who wished to remain anonymous said that they hope that prom is “worth the $35” spent on a ticket.
That being said, Olds believes that “Prom is something that people tell their future kids and friends about, and [she is] very excited to see what the reactions and overall comments/thoughts everyone has about what [they] have created.”