BFA welcomes a new art teacher, Mrs. Bolduc this year!
From a small town in Maine, Mrs. Bolduc went to college in Indiana and later joined the Marine Corps. From thereon, she traveled all over and was stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq. Afterward, she lived in North Carolina and taught for three years before retiring from the service and moving to Vermont.
She was immediately hired at South Burlington High School but left after finding an opportunity to work at BFA. She says, “It not only was closer, but felt like home. Someplace I could be part of the community and make an impact.”
She currently teaches Art I, Painting, and Art II, but could teach Clay, Photography, and is certified to teach AP Art. She proclaimed that she didn’t feel any nerves on the first day of school, and is enjoying teaching her current classes. She hopes to expose more
students to art and help enhance their problem-solving skills.