Hunter Livingston, Writer
Hunter Livingston is a 17 year old male, who lives in St. Albans City, and also attended St Albans Town Educational Center, he now attends Bellows Free Academy. Livingston is a senior who has many talents and hobbies like basketball, video games, fishing, and hanging out with his friends.
His first hobby is basketball and he’s been playing basketball for nine years! Basketball is one of his favorite sports and he loves to play. His position in his team is center. His last game was against Middlebury, BFA won by five points!
“I don’t remember what the score was but it was very close but we pulled through at the end.”
His second hobby is fishing. Livingston fishes for whatever bites on the line such as, perch, white perch, small/largemouth bass, and many others. His largest fish he caught was a 4.3lb smallmouth Bass.
His next hobby is playing video games such as, “Red Dead Redemption,” “Madden,” and “Apex Legends.” He has been playing video games for over three years. The Xbox One and Ps4 are his favorite consoles.
Livingston believes that he’s a strong writer, so he is taking Journalism to test out his writing abilities. Livingston knows that everyone can be a strong writer if they realize what potential they can awaken.
Livingston’s plans for next year are to go to college and apply to Plymouth University and Colby Sawyer. The reason is to continue getting better at basketball and be able to play big league games.
Welcome Livingston to Journalism!