BFA Winter Sports Season is Upon Us

November 10, 2022
The 2022-2023 Bellows Free Academy winter season sign-ups have been released. The sports available this season are girls’ and boys’ ice hockey, girls’ and boys’ basketball, Nordic skiing, snowboarding, cheerleading and dance. Alpine skiing is an option to sign up for, but, according to BFA’s Athletic Director, Dan Marlow, the school is not sure if there will be a team depending on how many people sign up this year.
Also, according to Marlow, outside of his office, located by the gym, one can find an interest sheet for indoor track. Filling out this sheet only lets Marlow know that you are interested so he can see the number of people and figure out if it is enough. Indoor track will not be a varsity or junior varsity sport; it will be a club.
Students should sign up as soon as possible. Marlow said that the first day of pre-season for all winter sports is Nov. 28. Students can go to the BFA athletics website and follow the link posted there to sign up for a winter sport. Along with the registration, students will need to have an updated physical form sent to Marlow from within the past two years from a doctor’s office.
The Mercury asked Marlow what the expectations are for this winter season. “For everybody, it would be to be the hardest workers, have a good attitude and follow the rules,” Marlow said.
According to Marlow, there are three new varsity coaches this season. Shane Garceau will be the new coach for girls’ basketball. Garceau is a BFA graduate and played sports during his time at BFA. Ben Roberts will be the new head coach for boys’ ice hockey. Roberts was the assistant coach to former head coach Toby Ducolon for the past six years. Finally, the dance team will have a new coach, Colleen McHugh.